In a most wonderful gesture, all the people at the hostel got together for a big BBQ to show me off. Getting the grill going was quite an adventure. They didn´t have lighter fluid, and the charcoal was really just burnt wood which is kinda hard to light. Four of us Americans were trying to get the Barbie going for a while, when finally this Chilean guy felt bad and gave us his newspaper.
We cooked some dank american style burgers with the works (perhaps not as good as yours bro, but pretty close), and I admit I got a little homesick. There´s nothing in the world like biting into a big juicy burger.... mmmm. There were girls from Argentina, Finland, Sweeden, and a couple guys from Chile that I think had the best burger of their life. But alas, I eventually had to hop on the bus to the airport and leave Chile behind.
I had forgotten that I had a 12 hour layover in Miami until I got on the plane departing Chile. I think my original plan was to have a day at the beach, but who knows. Maybe if I could get some sleep, it could be a wonderful day in Miami. However, the plane I flew back on was the coolest flight I´ve ever had. Each seat had its own TV with a couple dozen movies on demand, not to mention endless music, games and TV shows on demand. On top of that they served free booze. I didn´t get much sleep needless to say. I caught a couple more hours of sleep in the airport waiting for the sun to come up, then made it down to the beach. A $1.50 bus ride got me all the way to the beach, a steal compared to the $35 cab ride, and I even got to hang with the local flavor.
I found a sandwhich joint about a block from the beach and was overjoyed to see Yuenglings in the store. So I made myself a little pic-a-nic basket and spent the day on the beach.
After an afternoon of swimming and napping, I made my way back to the airport to go return to foreign soils. It was quite a fantastic day of being ´home´again, but the journey must continue. This next stage is the greatest one, for I hope to put some engineering know how into some building projects and do some basic teaching. I can´t wait to tell you all how this goes. But for now, I am safe in Honduras in the hotel. On a side note, I was greeted at the door to the hotel by a Tarantula the size of my fist. The bigger they are, the bigger mess they make.
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